
  • JPP (CDM) Ltd.

    CDM Advisor Services

Quantity Surveying Services


CDM Advisor Services


CDM Advisors

We are an independent firm providing CDM and Health and Safety Advisor services to the
construction industry. We tailor our services to meet our client’s specific requirements and provide
relevant advice which contributes to safer design and construction.

JPP (CDM) Ltd is a registered corporate practice of the Association for Project Safety (Registration
number 041279). We are assessed annually to confirm that we maintain an appropriate level of
organisational capability to deliver our services effectively.

CDM Advisor Services

No two construction projects are the same and each has its own particular issues to be resolved. Good management is needed to deal with issues as they arise. An integral part of the management process is the management of health and safety. In addition to causing distress and suffering, accidents, illness and unscheduled incidents waste time and money. As CDM Advisors to construction clients, principal designers and contractors we contribute to the management of projects and add value to the construction process through improved management of risks. We apply a reasoned, practical interpretation of the CDM regulations and other related Health and Safety legislation to help provide effective and economic solutions.


Selection of Projects

We have experience gained from working on over 700 construction projects both in the UK and abroad. A full list of our projects is available upon request.


07984 690518



PO Box 7565